Best cellphone track application Galaxy S10

A resolution of one square mile will work, under some circumstances, to help you get oriented in an unfamiliar place. But sometimes it helps to zoom out to get a broader perspective or zoom in to find familiar landmarks, like a body of water or a major highway. To get more real estate onto the screen, use a pinch motion. If you need more real estate on the screen, you can keep pinching until you get more and more map.

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After you have your bearings, you can return to the original resolution by double-tapping the screen. On the other hand, a scale of one square mile may not be enough. To see more landmarks, use the stretch motion to zoom in. The stretch motion expands the boundaries of the place where you start the screen. Continue stretching and stretching until you get the detail that you want. The following figure shows a street map both zoomed in and zoomed out.

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The map on the left is zoomed in in Satellite view. The map on the right is zoomed out in Terrain view. The app gives you the choice of Satellite view or Terrain view by tapping the menu button, the three parallel lines, on the top-left corner of the map. This brings up a pop-up menu similar to the one shown. Bring up the Satellite view by tapping Satellite.

You get the Terrain view by tapping Terrain. You can also bring up other views that are useful to you, including transit routes and bicycling paths.

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Most searches for services fall into a relatively few categories. Not only that, it is aware of the time of day. There are different suggestions during breakfast time than in the evening. Just scroll down and tap one of the topical icons, and your phone performs a search of businesses in your immediate area.

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The results come back as a regular Google search with names, addresses, and distances from your location. An example is shown here. In addition to the location and reviews, the search results include icons and other relevant information:. It happens. All you need to do is tap the street address, and the local map will appear as shown.

Top Galaxy S10 tips and tricks for Samsung's new phones - CNET

This map tells you all the locations around you so you can find another option. You probably want to get directions from your map application. I know I do. You can get directions in a number of ways, including:. It might seem intuitive to expect that when you search for a specific attraction such as the Seattle Space Needle , you get only the Seattle Space Needle.

Such a result, however, is sometimes too simple. A given search may have multiple results, such as for chain stores. Google Map gives you several choices, and you may need to choose your favorite. Typically, the app will give you the closest option. Then, as you arrive at work, vibration mode is activated and Wi-Fi disconnects. Setting up manual routines is easy too.

Playing a game? The list of conditions that can be programmed to trigger settings adjustments and new actions is endless. Have you ever been holding something important in one hand, and trying to use your phone with the other? How many of us have been in the middle of cooking, and when we go to check the recipe on our phones only one of our hands is clean?

Once turned on, the feature brings up a miniature version of your screen that puts even the features right at the top of the display well within reach. After using one-handed mode to navigate to the feature you want to use, simply tap the black area next to the downsized screen to snap your display up to full size again.

Prefer a different orientation for the swipe spots? Three minimal grey lines are visible at the very bottom of the screen to avoid any confusion over swipe positions. Enabling gesture controls lets you take full advantage of your screen real estate and provides a glimpse into a truly button-less future.

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    Simply align the circle in the center of the screen with the guide, and voila! Did you know you can now let AI edit your photos for you? These vivid effects are utilized in different ways for every individual picture, and really make the image look as though it was originally created in whichever medium you select. Distinct from preset filters, now AI deep learning can uniquely apply its effects to best match your picture.

    The upgraded capability employs advanced motion tracking technology to allow users to capture full-body movements and see them replicated by their avatar in real-time.