Mobile phone locate application Motorola Moto G6

Please help After the most recent upgrade, my Moto G6 no longer connects to gps. I have it set on high accuracy, and have toggled this off and on. I also ran diagnosticsdthrough the lenovo app. Any suggestions?

How to Move Apps to SD Card in Moto G6 & G6 Play [English]

My GPS jumps all over. It is awful. Is there an actual fix for this? Nothing I've tried so far works. I recently bought g6 and went running and used my viewranger app as normal. It was then that i found that the gps was completely shot to pieces.

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I was in a clear area in the country side, clear sky. It fixed on a town about 10 miles away and never got a fix in those conditions on where i actually was. It still does not work now. I used on my Samsung s7 and no issues with this app what so ever. To be sure i contacted viewranger support and checked settings etc and i now know it is nothing to do with app. And no I'm not providing app logs, so please don't ask as these have been provided by numerous persons already!

Motorola Settings App

If lenovo can't see that there is an issue with gps on these phones then this is disappointing. Please advise if there is ever going to be a fix for the GPS problem asap. My first time buying Motorola, and probably my last based on lack of caring from Lenovo. I travel quite a bit so I hope that there's a solution to this problem as I'm contemplating ditching this phone.

View All. Lenovo is committed to environmental leadership from operations to product design and recycling solutions. See our Sustainability Report. This website uses cookies. By browsing this website, you consent to the use of cookies. Learn More. APP Download. But then, you can't expect ordinary people to understand how operating systems work and the meaning of data collection. This is not an easy task, it's grueling and exhausting, but you CAN minimize your privacy footprint by a huge margin if you're willing to invest energy.

During this process, there were nudges, suggestions and other annoying prompts from the system, plus the alarming tone. Location is a good example - once you open Maps the first time, you're asked to enable location. Makes sense of course. But then, if you allow it, you're also forwarded the the settings menu where you're asked if you want to enable location history once again.

And I might actually allow this if I understood the purpose of this setting. Why is there any importance or relevance to my location history? It's not like the AI algorithms offer any magic in this regard. But you can safety turn access off as a default policy, because the phone will ask you to allow things when applications do request them. So it's better to start with pretty much everything off and then granularly turn them on. The default configuration is quite open.

Then again, most people do not have the ability to change these settings. Going mobile has not made the nerdy operating system internals any easier to understand. I also disabled the Nearby thingie and Google Assistant.

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Like I said, there's a lot to go through, but I really don't need any help. You may say this is helpful and convenient - and yes, perhaps it is, in some situations, so then, when you do need them, enable them. There's no reason for everything to run on, all the time. Also saves the battery.

Oh, we shall have a complete Android privacy guide as a separate article. I also disabled NFC - this is required for Payment stuff, and you are asked to provide a payment method the first time you open Google Play, but you can skip this.

Latest Motorola Moto G6 news

Then, I disabled permissions for every single app except the obvious, allowed core Google services to have their access, and declined the use of any biometric stuff. It is also worth mentioning that during the initial setup, Android asks you to configure your fingerprint reader, even though it warns you that this method is less secure than others. So why offer it? This is like asking all the tinfoil people to rise and shout: data harvesting. Smart Lock is another interesting one. If you disable password save to your account, you can still use auto sign-in, although the option will be grayed out if you turn the first toggle off.

So it's up to you to decide whether you require this. But the most important thing is: you do have a choice. I did allow backups, but turned off photo sync you get unlimited storage for hi-res pics , as well as any photo recognition, sorting or tagging feature available.

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  • Some of these need to tweaked separately from the system settings, so you do really need to pay attention to every single app and its functionality. Part of the privacy game was turning permissions off for pretty much every app out there. I did leave Google Play and such allowed, because what's the point.

    If you don't trust the operating system, don't use the product. To be frank, while the permissions are rather liberal, they are not wild. And things have improved a lot over the past few years. Maybe we should thank GDPR for this? Do note that you also have special permissions in addition to ordinary ones, so you can tweak those, too.

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    There's also usage access. All in all, you need some tech savvy to master this properly, but it's entirely doable and without adverse effects except things not being plug-n-play as you may expect them to be. There were three rounds of firmware updates from Motorola, incrementally going from last summer to now. Each one weighed about MB and needed a reboot.

    But the setup was fast, only about three or four minutes each time. App updates were also really fast. In the future, Moto G6 will also have an upgrade option for Android 9. The old Moto G4 is breezing along nicely with the latest updates, so that's cool. You can hide sensitive content from notifications, and when you connect the phone via USB, you need to explicitly allow file transfer. There does not seem to be a trust option like in iOS. Overall, this is pretty tight.

    Despite my due diligence, it took a while for the system to calm down and stop pestering me with suggestions and offers. I do feel this is annoying, because I didn't just randomly turn things off. So this does not help in any way. Thinking of my Windows Phone 10 setup, that one was far faster and less annoying.